Art Stuff Using Cups Water Works With Cup Art

Every miniature painter and hobbyist need a h2o loving cup to rinse their brushes while they paint. Of course, you tin use whatsoever disposable cup or container, even an old coffee mug. But, if you're looking for a defended water cup for cleaning your brushes, then check out these top 10 paint cups and accessories. Y'all may find something that looks great on your desk, works well with acrylic or oil paint palettes, and stores or travels well. Whether you're painting miniatures, traditional acrylic or oil on sheet, or but doing arts and crafts, yous will always need a container of clean water or solvent.

In this article, I show you the best 15 useful paint cups and accessories for rinsing your brushes while painting.

In a hurry? Cheque out the three favorite painter loving cup picks!🥇

  1. Citadel Water Pot (All-time Overall)
  2. Portable Stainless Steel Painting Castor Washing Bucket (Virtually Portable)
  3. Paint Water Cup & Matching Mug (Popular Souvenir)

Go along reading for a review of 15 pigment brush cups for painting miniatures and other hobbies.

Do you need a h2o loving cup for rinsing your paint brushes?

Yes, every artist and painter needs to wash or rinse their brushes, either during or at the stop of a session. Of course, you don't need a fancy loving cup or mug to concord your rinses water or solvent. You can use a disposable paper cup, a bowl, or any other non-porous container. If you're traveling or painting with kids, these cups may exist perfect.

Best paint cups for painting miniatures and hobbies – how to use a paint puck to clean brushes – best water mug for miniature painting – paint brush cup for painting miniatures and models – paper cups
Looking for a cheap painter's cup? Paper cups are groovy for rinse water or solvent. You can even write your name on them with a mark pen, or label the cups for particular uses, due east.k., for drinking only versus paint water.

Merely, if you want a dedicated paint brush cup, then you lot've come to the right place. I'm always on the lookout for unique, novel gadgets, and things for the miniature painting hobby. If you're an traditional artist, you lot may too find this commodity fun. In my search for the best water cup, I discovered this huge niche, artsy marketplace.

A swell paint cup accessory may have a minimalist design, or festooned with all sorts of built-in features, e.thousand., portable lids, scrubbers, and more. For a really useful pigment rinse cup when you travel, you'll dear having a small paint cup with locking lid and deport handle, such as this Leak-Proof Premium Brush Washer or the Collapsable Faber-Castell Artist Water Cup.


Maybe you lot desire something with a peachy aesthetic to liven up your hobby desk? At that place are a plethora of water paint cup designs on Etsy (I highlight a few select favorites below). For dedicated hobby spaces, water/solvent rinse cups go well with other useful hobby paint storage racks and organizers.

Are y'all looking for a cool pigment loving cup to rinse your brushes, but want to know the diversity of options available? Go along reading to run across what some of the best examples of paint rinse cups that would go well with your ideal hobby workspace and miniature hobbies.

Best paint cups for painting miniatures and hobbies – how to use a paint puck to clean brushes – best water mug for miniature painting – paint brush cup for painting miniatures and models – brushes dirty
Expect at all these paint brushes! At some point they will demand a rinse and good cleaning.

Is a dedicated painter's cup for painting miniatures worth it?

I know a lot of miniature painters and artists who continue to utilise household cups, mugs, and random dishware every bit brush rinse cups. They all work swell. For the longest fourth dimension, I used a fun ceramic mug that my former job gave as a parting gift (I resigned for a new position elsewhere).

Here's the problem with using dishware as brush rinse cups: At some point, you'll neglect to discover it'southward not a normal beverage cup and try (and perhaps succeed) to drink from it. Paint brush water is gross. Or, worse all the same, you'll dip your paint brush into your real potable cup.

Okay, for real though, for those who are more mindful of their surround, random dishware as a castor rinse cup is a poor substitute to cool toys. Getting a defended pigment cup that you lot accept care of and treat every bit a partner in your painting hobby adds to the enjoyment of your fine art.

A dainty water cup won't brand you a better miniature painter or artist, merely like all worthwhile tools, a dedicated painter's loving cup tin add to your sense of confidence, self-efficacy, and pride in your piece of work. Don't believe me? Read on below and don't tell me you're not intrigued. 🤪

At that place are 5 key reasons a hobby painting loving cup for brush rinsing is important for any miniature painter and artist:

i. Reduces stress

The constant need to call back what and where your essential tools are will drain you. Slowly and surely, if you're not organized and have accessories you know y'all want to apply, but can't detect them, you'll stress yourself out from regular routine painting. It just won't be as fun.

Certain, a painting water cup is, well, only a cup. But, a dedicated cup yous utilise for painting will be a function of your hobby arsenal that you can rely on. Every. Damn. Time.

two. Increases satisfaction

When yous paint with tools and equipment you lot know are reliable, your terminate result is more satisfying. If you lot fail at achieving the creative event because some brush or water cup seemed sub-par, you'll naturally project blame on your external environment.

Merely, if you have everything just the style you like it, and neglect, and then you lot'll more likely have learned something special about yourself. You have nothing to blame. On the other hand, then if you succeed, well that'due south just a special feeling I know many miniature painters and artists strive for: A quiet contentment, nobody can rob you lot of (not even your doubting self).

3. More organization

A water loving cup will sit down on your desk in information technology's dedicated spot. It will fit within your hobby space along with your organized paints in their racks and displays. Some paint rinsing cups will have brush holders congenital into them, or other smashing features like lids. These all can help you locate other objects within your hobby workflow. Arrangement is the cardinal to efficient productivity in whatever hobby, including painting and modeling.

iv. Better for paint brushes

Not every container will exist a good lucifer for rinsing paint brushes or keeping them clean. A crude edge or difficult, angular bottom in a loving cup tin can abrade the bristles of your more expensive paint brushes. The safe bet if you lot don't want to utilize a purpose-built rinsing cup is to employ an erstwhile glass jar (hither'south a classic).


Look for a pigment water cup or mug with rounded, smooth edges. If its a ceramic cup, make sure there are no chips or cracks that tin can catch bristle hairs. A glazed ceramic or porcelain cup for made for acrylic or oil painting have a bang-up artful, just come up with some limitations.

5. Saves money

Many painters start with disposable cups. Some are made of plastic, others newspaper. The problem with these lower-quality "containers" is they don't last. Eventually, they fall apart or require a thorough cleaning they can't handle. At this point, you demand to toss out your pigment rinse cups.

Over time, this inexpensive dispensable habit adds up into an expense that drains your hobby budget. A defended, expert quality paint cup will concluding a really long time. Of course, if you go a cup/mug you enjoy having on your desk, whether it looks skillful or does the job particularly well, then that painters cup volition have made up its value!

Should y'all get out pigment brushes to soak in water?

A quick note about best practice for proper castor care. Don't soak your brushes in water too long. A water-logged brush handle (which are commonly made of wood) will pause autonomously the glue property the metal ferrule and beard together. I don't recommend that you lot leave your paint brushes soaking in water overnight. Instead, if you're looking for a deep clean, you should use a brush rinser with a restorer agent to adjy stuck-in and stale paint in your brushes' bristles.


What features to look for in a great water loving cup for rinsing your brushes?

Here are five things to consider in an ideal cup for rinsing and cleaning your pigment brushes:

  1. Size/capacity
  2. Shape
  3. Material
  4. Portability
  5. Cost

1. Size/Capacity

A larger paint cup will hold more water or rinse solvent (duh). Additionally, with a larger volume loving cup, you won't need to replace your dirty water equally often because you'll dilute out your rinsed paint and other debris for a longer menses of fourth dimension. For those with sinks located further away from your hobby desk-bound, this could be a huge time saver.

On the other paw, a limitation with larger painting cups is that they take up more than infinite on your desk-bound or table. They will also be heavier for those who are looking for travel-ready, portable options.

A standard water cup is viii ounces (or about 240ml). For larger containers, you lot may have to look harder at "water buckets or washers". Or, y'all can get a paint puck accessory and turn that huge drinking glass Mason jar into a truly useful paint washer.

2. Shape

The #1 reason the shape of a pigment water cup or rinsing bucket is important is stability. A pinnacle heavy or tall cup/mug will exist at a greater risk for tipping over and spilling dirty paint water all over your table (east.g., a disaster for any work-in-progress or a major hassle).

Heavier water cups and mugs, or those with broad bottoms volition have greater stability. I of the reasons I love my Citadel H2o Pot (reviewed here) is considering it has a wide bottom and designed to non tip over.

Other h2o pots, cups, and brush washers may have features built into their pattern, such as brush holders or ribbed texture to help gently you scrub your bristles like a laundry washboard.

iii. Material

You tin find water and solvent cups for painting in almost every cloth, e.g., plastic, glass, metallic, ceramic. Although I haven't found a good paint loving cup fabricated of wood, I'grand certain there's one out at that place. I've fifty-fifty discovered miniature painting h2o cups that you tin can 3D print yourself.

Choose the material of your water cup, wisely. The cloth of your water cup volition touch its durability (e.g., glass breaks, plastic warps, metal dents). Additionally, some materials can be heavier than others, or have cool artful designs built into them. Some of the artisan painting cups on Etsy are amazing works of art.

4. Portability

I know some miniature painters and artists travel to conventions or other places. Some painters even work outdoors in the natural light painting miniatures. In this example, the ability to motion your painting stuff easily effectually is a necessity. There are a lot of options for portable water cups that are both pleasing to use and highly functional.

Look for paint cups with lockable, water tight lids. These often have rubber gaskets that form a tight seal around the lip of your painting rinse loving cup. This is peculiarly important for those of us who utilize oil paints on miniatures, and need mineral or white spirit solvents to rinse our brushes.

Lastly, size and weight go major factors for those looking for portable pigment cups to take with them when they travel. Check out a few of the best portable cups and containers for painting below.

5. Cost

Coin is always a factor to consider in any hobby or art. The advice I give to other hobbyists is to go the quality you need. If you ever get the all-time y'all can afford, you aren't looking back in regret when your stuff fails you. You lot know you'll need a defended painting cup, and so go one yous love.

The value in something comes when you use it frequently. What other accessory will you use more in your miniature painting hobby than a water cup and your brushes? Get the all-time, the coolest, and about useful!

All-time 15 Paint Brush Cups for Painting Miniatures and Hobbies

1. Citadel Water Pot

Best paint cups for painting miniatures and hobbies – how to use a paint puck to clean brushes – best water mug for miniature painting – paint brush cup for painting miniatures and models – Citadel water pot

The Citadel Water Pot is the top of the list for a proficient reason! You can see a total review of the Citadel Water Pot (TL;DR – Amazing for miniature painting). The Citadel Water Pot is perfect for miniature painters. It holds a respectable amount of water and has an anti-tip over shape. The lesser of the pot is wider than the top, which makes this super stable.

Built into the water pot is a brush holder. Placing your paint brush on the water pot itself is more useful than you may think. When I first started using this h2o pot, I was shocked how often I found myself naturally using this castor holder. Form follows function, I guess.

Within the pot are "rib" textures that act like a washboard for gently agitating brush bristles while cleaning. Simply swish your castor along these ribs and the texture scrubbing action does all the piece of work for y'all. Information technology'south a groovy feature!

Overall, I highly recommend the Citadel H2o Pot. Information technology's a thoughtful combination of class and function.

2. Paint Brush Cleaner Rinse Cup (All-in-I) Fine Art

Best paint cups for painting miniatures and hobbies – how to use a paint puck to clean brushes – best water mug for miniature painting – paint brush cup for painting miniatures and models – paint brush all in one rinser

The Pigment Brush Cleaner Rinse Cup is an all-in-i solution for a miniature painter, artist, or hobbyist. It works great for rinsing brushes for acrylic model painting or water coloring. Some miniature painters use oil paints, and this works well with mineral spirit solvents, too.

This brush rinse loving cup is versatile with congenital-in brush holder around the outside of pinnacle lip, every bit well within if yous're looking to soak your beard for a while (although you don't want to soak your brushes in water too long).

Inside the cup is a silicon brush cleaner (e.g., the knobs on the lesser). This will help you lot softly scrub your brushes and quickly dislodge any paint or debris in your bristles. Around the cup is a dish that will grab whatsoever dripping from hanging brushes. This also acts to stabilize the cup and prevent tipping and spilling.

This is a very popular brush rinse cup for artists of all walks of creativity, including miniature painters!

3. Portable Collapsible Paint Brush Washer with Brush Holder

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Are you looking for a portable paint castor washer? The Portable Collapsible Paint Brush Washer is a minimalist design. Information technology's simple; it works. Made of soft silicon, the rinser works well as a travel fix water cup. It will fit in a small space, even your portable paint station. Because this castor washer is silicon, yous can throw it in the dishwasher and utilize hot water to clean it.

The but limitation is the slightly smaller chapters for water and the top-heavy shape. There is some risk for spillage if you fill too high. On the other hand, this is a neat alternative for disposable newspaper cups.

4. Sargent Art Non-Spill Paint Cup

Best paint cups for painting miniatures and hobbies – how to use a paint puck to clean brushes – best water mug for miniature painting – paint brush cup for painting miniatures and models – sargent non spill brush rinser

The Sargent Fine art Not-Spill Paint Cup is a versatile brush rinser with an ingenious blueprint. From a functional perspective, this cup has a unique funnel built into the acme. This allows the cup to keep its water from spilling out even if the cup is tipped over on its side! There is also a snap locking lid.


These thoughtful engineered features significantly reduce the run a risk for accidents and spills. Although the cup doesn't accept a big book, in amass, the cup's blueprint takes the hobby to next level of risk management. Two castor holders on the summit of the cup also allows you piece of cake access to your often used brushes. Easy and useful!

five. Stainless Steel Palette Cups

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The Stainless Steel Palette Cups is fabricated specifically for those painters who need to stay mobile. Equally a simple design made of metal, you tin can use this for holding water (for acrylic painters) or mineral spirits (for oil painting). It is an affordable, no nonsense cup for rinsing your brushes.

Although it doesn't have a comprehend, or whatsoever other features, this palette cup has a spring clip that lets you attach information technology to the border of a palette or sparse board. The book of this cup is smaller, too, which is expected for a portable accessory. When working with oil paints, the smaller volume doesn't matter since you don't need a lot of solvent for rinsing or cleaning your brushes between colors. Bank check it out!

6. Paint Puck Brush Cleaner

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The Paint Puck Brush Cleaner is a brush rinsing accessory that enhances whatever other water cup. Simply drib the paint puck into a container of your pick. Utilise the soft silicon knobs to scrub your castor bristles. The texture will open up the filaments and help you clean the beard like a toothbrush. Inexpensive and effective, the paint puck is swell for those who want to use another loving cup as their rinse loving cup or washer.

vii. Faber-Castell Clic & Go Creative person H2o Cup

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The Faber-Castell Clic & Go Artist Water Loving cup is some other great collapsible rinsing loving cup for brushes. If you're traveling or desire a compact solution for holding your brush water, this is a solid option. The cup holds most 350ml or 12 ounces of h2o. Made of latex-complimentary PVC, this is a durable, heavy-duty painting accompaniment.


Although it'south not made for solvents, for hobbyists who need to pack and go, this is excellent. The top of the cup besides has multiple castor holders that work even in the collapsed position.

eight. Paint Water (Don't Drink This) Ceramic Coffee Mug

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The Paint Water (Don't Potable This) Ceramic Java Mug is normal ceramic mug, e.g., coffee or potable of your choice, but with an extra bonus. Information technology's labeled properly! Have yous ever dipped your paint brush in the wrong cup? If you lot haven't, then you volition. 😜

Makes a cracking gift or function mug, due east.k., a not bad conversation starter. Or, use it for your miniature painting hobby and combine it with the paint puck (#half-dozen above). Of form, this will hold quite a fleck of water or solvent and could be very useful! As with any existent dish ware, you tin can throw this in the dishwasher for a quick clean.

ix. Creative person Castor Washer

Best paint cups for painting miniatures and hobbies – how to use a paint puck to clean brushes – best water mug for miniature painting – paint brush cup for painting miniatures and models – metal brush washer and dryer

The Artist Castor Washer is a castor cleaner and dryer all-in-i. A spiral brush holder above the rinser container holds brush handles with the bristles downward, which is the optimal way to dry out and store brushes. Inside the brush rinser is a strainer that lets y'all scrub your brushes and allow loose pigments and debris to settle to the bottom of the loving cup washer.

The overall size of the washer is quite large and volition easily handle any brush yous employ for painting miniatures and models. Although the container has a lid, it is not water tight. So, it'due south non meant for traveling. Rather it'due south there to prevent sudden splashes or to prevent outside debris from settling in your cup while you're away.

Overall, this is a convenient all-in-one solution for brush rinsing, storage, and care. Works swell with h2o for acrylic painting, or white/mineral spirit solvent for oil painting. Take a expect!

10. Portable Stainless Steel Painting Brush Washing Saucepan

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The Portable Stainless Steel Painting Brush Washing Bucket is my favorite portable brush rinser/washer. It has a built-in strainer inside that lets you gently swish your bristles on while letting debris and pigment fall below. This is peculiarly prissy if you lot're oil painting miniatures or models.

The washing bucket holds a good amount of water or solvent, which makes this perfect for whatever hobby awarding. The lid has a rubber gasket that creates a water tight seal when the clamps are engaged. Yous can literally plough this washer upside downward and goose egg volition come up out.

The metallic carry handle is a cute touch and works well. I take this with me when I desire to work in a different room in the domicile or exterior. The cover and handle let me reuse h2o or solvent instead of tossing information technology out every fourth dimension I need to movement effectually. I highly recommend this for those of y'all who want a portable castor rinser/cup. It'southward also affordable!

11. Handmade Ceramic Water Cup

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Sometimes y'all want something pretty and unique for your hobby desk. If y'all're a painter or artist, you'll empathize that your tools must also reflect your sensibilities, likewise. These Ceramic H2o Cups are an artisan crafted accessory that takes your hobby or art to a different place.

Made to order and handmade, every loving cup will exist unique! No two will wait alike. A built-in brush holder adds a impact of utility to an otherwise elementary, sturdy, and utilitarian design.

12. Ceramic Watercolor Cups

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These Ceramic Watercolor Cups are the ideal cups for those looking to spruce up their hobby or art desk. These are mitt made ceramic cups that have an organic leaf stamped design. They are finished with a gloss, shiny glaze. This not simply makes them simple to clean and rinse out, but attractive likewise. Ii dips in the top of the cup allow you to rest your favorite castor.

xiii. Farmhouse White "PAINT" Painter'due south H2o Cup

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The Farmhouse White "PAINT" Painter's H2o Cup is one of my favorite artisan water cups. Information technology reminds me of my favorite java mug, with a dark-brown absolute bottom and brighter, white top. Of course, this is stamped with the give-and-take "paint", so equally non to be confused with a drinking mug.

The top half of the cup is speckled vitrify clay with a glossy glaze within and the top. The bottom half is a raw, unglazed dirt. This contrast in texture and color is likely white I love this blueprint and then much. The brush holder on the superlative of the loving cup is a squeamish reminder not to exit your brush in the h2o. Overall, this is definitely 1 of my favorite handmade pieces yous can go as a gift or for your miniature painting hobby or art.

fourteen. Speckled Clay Cup

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The Speckled Clay Loving cup is a labor of beloved. Each cup takes hours of work, requiring bike-thrown clay, trimming, carving, and a kiln for firing. Each cup is unique and formed by mitt. There is a brush holder on the superlative of the loving cup and a textured lesser for easier brush cleaning. For more than details cheque out this handmade clay water cup on Etsy.

fifteen. Paint Water Cup & Matching Mug

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The Paint Water Cup & Matching Mug popped up in my search for the all-time gift package for miniature painters. This set comes with ii cups: one is for paint brush rinsing, and the other is a mug for your favorite beverage. The paint cup has a castor rest and the mug has a handle. Yous tin can't confuse the two! (Or, can you?)

An optional matching dish is available for this bundle and is multiple purpose. Use the dish a spoon rest, a tea bag holder, or to clean your brushes. Truly, this makes a smashing gift for someone else or as an accent to your hobby space. Check it out!

Summary table of the cool pigment water cups for miniature painting and hobbies

Terminal Discussion

The ideal paint brush cup, rinser, or mug depends on your specific needs, e.g., portability, taste for versatility, and aesthetic appeal. Instead of using cheap, throw-away newspaper or plastic cups, a dedicated castor rinsing accessory volition final years, adding value to your hobby and avoiding necessary waste.

At that place are literally hundreds of options for what y'all can apply for holding brush water or solvent. And so of grade I'm sure I missed a few. Bank check back for updates equally I discover other interesting and neat brush rinsing/washing products for painting miniatures, models, and more.

Happy painting!

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